
Relief is an art piece where modern and traditional techniques come together. This was part of my graduation work and for this piece I challenged myself to combine the different techniques I liked to use in my final year of art school. I decided to project a video map made out of animated paper collages and patterns base of lino prints on a ceramic base. The main inspiration behind this piece is nature and the peace it gives me. Every day life can be very busy and stressful and can give me anxiety. Once I am in nature there is still a lot happening but I don’t have any control over the things that happen in nature. If I want to or not, nature will grow and decay. In that moment, when I don’t have to do anything and are allowed to just exist, it’s when my anxiety disappears and I find my moment of peace. I wanted to create that same feeling with this piece. It is made to distract people for a moment so they can forget the pressure of daily life.